Holistic Wellness: My Journey From Sales to Self-Discovery

Holistic Wellness: My Journey From Sales to Self-Discovery

As the title suggests, I am on my journey towards holistic wellness. Read on to discover why. Two decades in media sales and nearly a decade assisting artists with marketing—my professional journey has taken me to places I never could have imagined. But today, as I sit down to write this article, I find myself…

Embracing Lazy Days: Tips to Recharge & Stay Productive

Embracing Lazy Days: Tips to Recharge & Stay Productive

We all have those days (lazy days) when motivation seems to take a backseat, and the simplest tasks feel like climbing mountains. Recently, I found myself in the midst of one such sluggish moment, feeling utterly lazy and unmotivated. Instead of dwelling on the guilt or frustration that often accompanies these days, I decided to…

Breaking Through the Financial Barriers to Abundance

Breaking Through the Financial Barriers to Abundance

Have you ever wondered why you have dreams of people trying to pay you large sums of money, only to face constant obstacles [financial barriers] preventing it from reaching you? It’s a perplexing situation that I have personally experienced, and today, I want to share my story with you. Personal Sabotage – Financial Barriers At…

A Bittersweet Celebration: Remembering the Love of Moms on Mother’s Day

A Bittersweet Celebration: Remembering the Love of Moms on Mother’s Day

Today, as the world celebrates Mother’s Day, there is a bittersweet feeling in my heart. While this day reminds us to honor and appreciate the incredible mothers in our lives, it also serves as a poignant reminder of the profound absence felt by those who have lost their beloved moms.  For me, this day is…

Sales Communication: 7 Tips for Success

Sales Communication: 7 Tips for Success

Sales communication is an essential skill that every business person needs to master in order to achieve success. It is particularly important in sales, where a salesperson’s ability to communicate effectively can make or break a deal. This is why having the right sales communication tips can be invaluable in enhancing your sales skills and…

How to Grow Your Brand with a Winning Sales Funnel Strategy

How to Grow Your Brand with a Winning Sales Funnel Strategy

A good sales funnel strategy will help you unlock your growth potential to win. Are you looking to increase sales and grow your business? If so, then it’s time to consider a sales funnel strategy. A sales funnel helps to manage, track, and optimize your customer’s journey. It’s an essential tool for any business that…